EMDRIA Harms Sex Abuse Victims

EMDRIA Harms Sex-Abuse Victims

Tell EMDRIA to Uphold its Own Founding Principles


We LOVE EMDRIA! Many of us are EMDR therapists. But their new policy is causing our clients harm.

This policy prohibits therapists from supporting a client in changing their unwanted sexual feelings.

This Betrays the Clear Instructions of Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., Creator of EMDR.

Dr. Shapiro made clear that EMDR is a “client-centered approach” [1] in which clients set their own therapy goals, not EMDRIA. The EMDR Institute, EMDRIA’s sister organization, has always taught this as well [2]. No one has the right to limit or influence clients’ sexual autonomy. Sexual minorities deserve the same rights as other EMDR clients— the right to explore their sexuality and resolve trauma as they define it. EMDRIA is an excellent organization, but they have no right to interfere with client goals.

EMDRIA’s New Policy is in Ethical Violation

APA’s Ethical Principle E protects clients’ rights to self-determination [3] and aims to enhance client autonomy. Limiting or interfering with client autonomy violates this basic principle. EMDRIA therefore compels its members to violate professional ethics.

EMDRIA’s New Policy Interferes with Sexual Minority Clients’ Rights to Equal Access to Health Care

By expelling clinicians who support sexual fluidity and client autonomy, clients wishing to explore changing their sexuality are denied access to EMDRIA trained therapists, limiting their therapy options and denying them equal access to care.

EMDRIA’s New Policy is Anti-Science

EMDRIA’s policy stating there is no link between sexual-minority status and childhood trauma contradicts findings by the APA. APA has concluded that for some individuals, childhood sexual abuse has “associative and potentially causal links” to having same sex partners in certain instances, based on research that included a 30 year longitudinal study of documented cases of childhood sexual abuse [4]. Another recent study has identified links between trauma and asexuality [5], a condition which EMDR has been shown to be effective in treating [6], but EMDRIA policy now interferes with. Bilateral eye movements have been shown to organically trigger spontaneous changes in clients’ sexuality, regardless of the client’s gender or sexual orientation [7].

EMDRIA has been Warned by Multiple Attorneys that Their Actions Trample Client Rights and May Be Illegal

Clinicians, sex-abuse victims and attorneys have warned EMDRIA that interfering with client goals will harm clients and may result in legal liability to both EMDRIA and those members who don't allow clients to choose their own therapy goals.

Dr. Shapiro believed men and women should be in the “driver’s seat” of their own psychotherapy, able to pick their own goals [2] [3]. The "therapist should get out of the way” when possible, she said.

Dr. Shapiro believed men and women should be in the “driver’s seat” of their own psychotherapy, able to pick their own goals [2] [3]. The "therapist should get out of the way” when possible, she said.

EMDRIA Was Recently Caught Removing Evidence of EMDR’s Effect on Sexual Fluidity from its Own Francine Shapiro Library

For instance, a presentation about EMDR’s effect on sexual fluidity, which Dr. Shapiro had personally encouraged to be presented at EMDRIA, was removed with no explanation or notification (below). Francine enthusiastically encouraged exploration of this topic. EMDRIA now prohibits it.


In complete violation of EMDRIA's policy, this client’s sexuality spontaneously changed by reprocessing a specific memory behind his sexual attractions. This video demonstrates the Reintegrative Protocol, published in the Journal of Human Sexuality last year. Research from Cornell University suggests sexuality is not permanently fixed for all people.


This session is NOT banned by EMDRIA policy even though it’s THE EXACT SAME protocol as the previous video. Since this client reported his sexual feelings had changed, but not in regard to the gender he was attracted to, it is not prohibited.


Another EMDRIA-forbidden session: multiple peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated the Feeling State Addiction Protocol’s effectiveness. Sexual abuse victims commonly report spontaneous changes in their sexuality as a result. Yet this session is PROHIBITED by EMDRIA’s new policy. EMDRIA needs to replace many of its leaders immediately so that clients can once again be in the driver’s seat of their own therapy. These demonstrations are all based on transcripts of actual sessions.


Tell EMDRIA to Uphold its Own Founding Principles. Sign your name to show you support clients’ rights and equal access to mental health care.

As long as EMDRIA continues to interfere with clients’ rights to set their own therapy goals, they will continue to be publicly protested every year by clinicians supportive of Francine Shapiro as well as victims groups.